DARPA Project Ideas: Biofabriko – Biofabrication of Microchips

DARPA and US Department of Defense does NOT endorse this post or project idea.

Project Biofabriko aims to revolutionize microchip manufacturing through the innovative use of biofabrication techniques. This groundbreaking project leverages biological systems to create microchips, offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional semiconductor manufacturing methods. By harnessing the capabilities of synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and advanced biomaterials, Project Biofabriko seeks to develop a novel approach that addresses critical challenges in the semiconductor industry, including resource scarcity, environmental impact, and scalability.

The project is structured around three primary research teams—Team Alpha, Team Bravo, and Team Charlie—each focusing on a different method of the biofabrication. These teams will be supported by a dedicated Regulatory Team that ensures compliance with international, federal, state, and local laws. Over the course of four years, these teams will work collaboratively to engineer biological systems, optimize biofabrication processes, and develop functional microchip prototypes that meet or exceed current industry standards.


Goal: Project Biofabriko aims to revolutionize the manufacturing of microchips through advanced biofabrication techniques. The project will leverage biological systems to create microchips, potentially transforming the semiconductor industry by offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional manufacturing methods.

Functional Integration: To validate the practical application of biofabricated microchips by successfully integrating them into commercially available electronic devices, demonstrating compatibility and operational performance.

Deliverable: A chip created through a living system that has similar specs to the intel 4004, the first commercially produced microprocessor within a 3 inch by 1 inch (size of a standard glass microscope slide). The chip must be either able to self-repair through a biological process or be able to be reused with a biological system able to rebuild the chip.


The success of Project Biofabriko promises to position the United States at the forefront of semiconductor innovation, contributing to national security and economic competitiveness. By developing sustainable manufacturing methods, the project addresses global concerns about environmental impact and resource depletion. Moreover, the unique self-repair and regrowth capabilities of biofabricated microchips could transform various industries, enhancing the longevity and recyclability of electronic devices.


More details of approaches for project biofabriko

The project will follow a structured approach, beginning with the genetic engineering of biological systems to produce conductive and semiconductive materials. These systems will be cultivated and guided into specific microchip architectures using molds and scaffolds. Mid-term evaluations will focus on demonstrating the feasibility and performance of initial prototypes, while final evaluations will aim to achieve full specification compliance, self-repair capabilities, and successful integration into standard electronic devices.


The total estimated cost for Project Biofabriko over four years is $17,028,000. This includes expenses for capital equipment, materials, personnel, and travel, along with a 40% overhead to cover institutional costs. The detailed budget ensures that each team has the necessary resources to achieve the project’s goals while maintaining regulatory compliance.

Project Biofabriko represents a bold step towards a sustainable and innovative future in microchip manufacturing. By leveraging the power of biological systems, the project aims to overcome the limitations of traditional semiconductor technologies and pave the way for new advancements in the industry.


What are you trying to do? Articulate your objectives using absolutely no jargon.

Goal: Project Biofabriko aims to revolutionize the manufacturing of microchips through advanced biofabrication techniques. The project will leverage biological systems to create microchips, potentially transforming the semiconductor industry by offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional manufacturing methods.

Overview: Biofabrication utilizes biological processes and materials to create complex structures at the micro and nanoscale. By harnessing the capabilities of synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and biomaterials, Project Biofabriko seeks to develop a novel approach to microchip production. This method promises to reduce the reliance on rare earth elements, decrease environmental impact, and enhance the scalability of microchip manufacturing.

Deliverable: A chip created through a living system that has similar specs to the intel 4004, the first commercially produced microprocessor within a 3 inch by 1 inch (size of a standard glass microscope slide). The chip must be either able to self-repair through a biological process or be able to be reused with a biological system able to rebuild the chip.

Intel 4004 specs:

Max. CPU clock rate 740 KHz to 750 KHz
Data width 4 bits
Address width 12 bits (multiplexed)

How is it done today, and what are the limits of current practice?

Current Practices

Microchip manufacturing today relies on highly advanced photolithography and etching processes to create intricate circuits on silicon wafers. This conventional method includes several key steps:

  1. Silicon Wafer Production: High-purity silicon crystals are grown, sliced into wafers, and polished.
  2. Photolithography: A photoresist layer is applied to the wafer, and UV light is used to transfer circuit patterns from a mask onto the wafer.
  3. Etching: Unwanted material is removed through chemical or plasma etching to create the desired circuit patterns.
  4. Doping: The wafer is treated with impurities to modify its electrical properties.
  5. Deposition: Layers of materials, such as metals and insulators, are deposited onto the wafer to form circuit components.
  6. Packaging: The finished chips are cut from the wafer, tested, and packaged for integration into electronic devices.

Limitations of Current Practices

  1. Material Constraints: The reliance on rare earth elements and other scarce resources presents significant supply chain vulnerabilities. The extraction and processing of these materials also have substantial environmental impacts.
  2. Environmental Impact: Traditional microchip manufacturing processes consume large amounts of energy and water, and they generate hazardous waste. The photolithography and etching processes, in particular, involve the use of toxic chemicals and gases.
  3. Scalability Issues: As the demand for more powerful and smaller microchips grows, the complexity and cost of manufacturing increase. The push for miniaturization leads to higher defect rates and greater challenges in maintaining yield and quality.
  4. Cost: The infrastructure for traditional semiconductor manufacturing is capital-intensive. The creation and maintenance of clean rooms, photolithography equipment, and etching machines require significant financial investments.
  5. Innovation Ceiling: Traditional methods are approaching physical and technological limits. As feature sizes shrink to the nanometer scale, quantum effects and other physical phenomena pose challenges to further miniaturization and performance improvements.
  6. Lack of Sustainability: The current manufacturing paradigm is not inherently sustainable. The heavy reliance on finite resources and environmentally damaging processes is at odds with growing global emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly technologies.

Project Biofabriko aims to address these limitations by leveraging advanced biofabrication techniques to produce microchips. By harnessing biological systems, the project seeks to create a more sustainable, efficient, and scalable alternative to traditional semiconductor manufacturing. The potential for self-repairing and reusable chips further underscores the transformative impact of this innovative approach.

What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?

More information about possible solutions for Project Biofabriko.

Innovative Approach: Project Biofabriko introduces a transformative paradigm in microchip manufacturing by leveraging biofabrication techniques. This approach employs living systems such as genetically engineered bacteria, fungi, nematodes, magnetotactic bacteria, bioengineered yeast, and plant cells to construct microchips with desired electrical properties. These methods utilize the unique capabilities of biological organisms to create complex, precise structures at the micro and nanoscale, offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional semiconductor manufacturing.

Key Innovations:

  1. Biological Systems as Fabricators: Utilizing living organisms to produce conductive and semiconductive materials directly within their cellular structures or through their natural behaviors. This includes:
    • Genetically engineered bacteria and fungi creating intricate microchip architectures.
    • Nematodes digging precise molds for conductive materials.
    • Magnetotactic bacteria assembling microchip components under magnetic guidance.
    • Yeast cells synthesizing conductive nanowires within a structured framework.
    • Plant cells producing and organizing conductive pathways within tissue cultures.
  2. Sustainability and Reduced Environmental Impact: By reducing reliance on rare earth elements and minimizing hazardous waste, biofabrication aligns with global sustainability goals. The use of renewable biological systems offers a more environmentally friendly production process compared to conventional semiconductor methods.
  3. Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness: Biological systems can be cultivated and expanded easily, making it feasible to scale up production without the need for expensive clean rooms and complex photolithography equipment. This scalability is crucial for meeting the growing demand for microchips in various industries.
  4. Enhanced Functionalities: The ability of living systems to self-assemble, self-repair, and adapt introduces the potential for microchips with enhanced functionalities, such as self-healing properties and increased durability.

Reasons for Success:

  1. Interdisciplinary Expertise: The integration of biotechnology, synthetic biology, and materials science in Project Biofabriko ensures a multidisciplinary approach, leveraging cutting-edge advancements from various fields to optimize the biofabrication process.
  2. Proof-of-Concept Achievements: Initial experiments and prototypes have demonstrated the feasibility of using biological systems for microchip fabrication, providing a solid foundation for further development and refinement.
  3. Industry Collaboration: Collaborating with leading research institutions, semiconductor companies, and environmental organizations ensures access to the latest technologies, industry insights, and market needs, enhancing the project’s overall impact and adoption.
  4. Market Demand: The growing demand for sustainable and efficient microchip manufacturing solutions creates a favorable market environment for the adoption of biofabricated microchips, positioning Project Biofabriko to meet industry needs and drive technological innovation.

By harnessing the power of biofabrication, Project Biofabriko aims to revolutionize microchip manufacturing, offering a novel, sustainable, and scalable solution that addresses the limitations of current semiconductor technologies and paves the way for future advancements in the field.

Who cares? If you are successful, what difference will it make?

Who Cares?

Project Biofabriko holds significant interest for various stakeholders, including the defense sector, the semiconductor industry, environmental advocates, and the broader technology community. Its success could address critical challenges in microchip manufacturing, aligning with national security goals, technological innovation, and environmental sustainability.

Defense Sector:

  • National Security: Advanced microelectronics are foundational to modern defense systems. The erosion of U.S. capabilities in microelectronics presents a direct threat to national security. Project Biofabriko’s innovative approaches can strengthen domestic microchip production, reducing reliance on foreign sources and mitigating supply chain vulnerabilities. This aligns with the strategic goals outlined in the Next-Generation Microelectronics Manufacturing (NGMM) program and supports long-term national security.

Semiconductor Industry:

  • Technological Leadership: The semiconductor industry stands to benefit from new manufacturing techniques that can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and open new avenues for innovation. Project Biofabriko’s use of biofabrication techniques represents a groundbreaking departure from traditional methods, potentially positioning the U.S. at the forefront of global semiconductor innovation.
  • Supply Chain Resilience: By developing domestic capabilities in biofabricated microchips, Project Biofabriko addresses critical gaps in the semiconductor supply chain. This aligns with broader government efforts, including the CHIPS and Science Act, to bolster domestic production and ensure the resilience of essential technologies.

Environmental Advocates:

  • Sustainability: Traditional microchip manufacturing processes are resource-intensive and environmentally harmful. Biofabrication offers a sustainable alternative, leveraging renewable biological systems and reducing reliance on rare earth elements and hazardous chemicals. Environmental advocates will find value in Project Biofabriko’s potential to decrease the environmental footprint of microchip production.

Broader Technology Community:

  • Innovation and Collaboration: The success of Project Biofabriko could lead to new types of microchips with enhanced functionalities, such as self-healing properties and increased durability. This innovation is likely to spur collaboration across industries, academia, and government, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of technological advancement.

Potential Impact:

  • Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Project Biofabriko’s biofabrication techniques could revolutionize microchip manufacturing, making it more sustainable, scalable, and cost-effective. This aligns with the NGMM program’s goals of pioneering revolutionary science and technology achievements.
  • Economic Competitiveness: Strengthening the U.S. semiconductor industry enhances economic competitiveness. Project Biofabriko’s innovations can help the U.S. maintain its technological edge in the face of growing competition from global rivals, particularly in critical areas such as artificial intelligence and advanced defense systems.
  • Environmental Benefits: By significantly reducing the environmental impact of microchip manufacturing, Project Biofabriko supports global sustainability efforts. This aligns with increasing global emphasis on eco-friendly technologies and practices.

What are the risks?

Risks to DARPA and the US Military

  1. Technical Feasibility and Scalability:
    • Unproven Techniques: Biofabrication methods for microchip production are relatively new and untested on a large scale. There is a risk that these techniques may not achieve the necessary precision, reliability, and performance required for advanced microelectronics.
    • Scalability Challenges: Scaling up the biofabrication process from laboratory settings to industrial-scale production may encounter unforeseen technical and logistical challenges, potentially delaying the deployment of these technologies.
  2. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities:
    • Dependency on Biological Materials: Relying on biological systems introduces new supply chain dependencies. Ensuring a consistent and high-quality supply of genetically engineered organisms or biological materials may be challenging, especially in the face of environmental or biological disruptions.
    • Biological Risks: There is a risk of contamination, mutation, or failure in the engineered biological systems, which could compromise the production process and lead to failures in the microchips.
  3. Security Concerns:
    • Biosecurity Risks: The use of genetically engineered organisms raises concerns about biosecurity. Unauthorized access to these organisms could lead to misuse, including the development of biological weapons or other malicious applications. The biological agents used to create the chips could later be target for sabotage or bioterrorism.
    • Intellectual Property and Espionage: Protecting the intellectual property and proprietary techniques involved in biofabrication is crucial. There is a risk of espionage or cyberattacks aimed at stealing sensitive information, which could undermine the competitive advantage and security of DARPA and the US military.
  4. Regulatory and Ethical Issues:
    • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with domestic and international regulations governing the use of genetically modified organisms and biological materials can be complex and time-consuming. Non-compliance could lead to legal challenges and delays.
    • Ethical Concerns: The use of biofabrication techniques may raise ethical concerns related to genetic engineering and the manipulation of living organisms, potentially leading to public opposition and policy restrictions. Generally organisms perceived as more similar to humans or organisms that humans have emotional connections with (pets) have elevated status in the eyes of the public and more sensitive to concerns of bioengineering.

Risks to Society in General

  1. Environmental Impact:
    • Unintended Ecological Consequences: The release or escape of genetically engineered organisms into the environment could have unintended ecological consequences, potentially disrupting natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
    • Sustainability of Resources: The large-scale cultivation of biological systems for biofabrication may require significant natural resources, such as water and nutrients, raising concerns about sustainability and environmental footprint.
  2. Public Health and Safety:
    • Biological Contamination: There is a risk that biological materials used in the production process could contaminate other products or environments, posing health risks to workers and the public.
    • Antibiotic Resistance: Antibiotic resistance is often used in bioengineering and synthetic biology to select for transformed organisms or organisms with desired traits. The use of genetic engineering in biofabrication may inadvertently contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance genes, posing a public health risk.
  3. Economic and Social Disruption:
    • Displacement of Traditional Industries: The adoption of biofabrication techniques could disrupt traditional semiconductor manufacturing industries, leading to economic displacement and job losses in affected sectors. This loss of jobs might cause a decrease in innovation of the field.
    • Cheaper Manufacturing: Producing lower end chip using biofabrication could decrease the cost of chips and finished products that use the chips. This could lead to an increase in electronic waste (e-waste), it could also lead to the adoption of current technologies as the price decreases – Innovators Dilemma developed by Clayton Christensen
    • Economic Inequality: The benefits of advanced biofabricated microchips may not be evenly distributed, potentially exacerbating economic inequality and limiting access to these technologies for certain segments of society.
  4. Ethical and Social Concerns:
    • Public Perception: Public perception and acceptance of biofabrication technologies are uncertain. Misunderstandings or misinformation about genetic engineering and biofabrication could lead to public resistance and societal backlash.
    • Ethical Dilemmas: The manipulation of living organisms for technological purposes may raise ethical dilemmas and provoke debates about the moral implications of such practices.


While Project Biofabriko presents transformative potential for microchip manufacturing, it also introduces a range of risks to DARPA, the US military, and society at large. Addressing these risks through robust risk management strategies, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations will be essential to ensuring the successful and responsible implementation of biofabrication technologies.

How much will it cost?

Project Biofabriko involves a comprehensive approach to developing biofabricated microchips over a four-year period. The project will consist of three primary teams—Team Alpha, Team Bravo, and Team Charlie—each focusing on different aspects of the biofabrication process. Additionally, a dedicated Regulatory Team will assist these teams by ensuring compliance with international, federal, state, and local laws.

The total estimated cost for Project Biofabriko is $17,028,000, which includes expenses for capital equipment, materials and supplies, post-doctoral researchers, support staff, and travel. The budget also accounts for a 40% overhead to cover institutional costs and indirect expenses.

How long will it take?

Duration: 4 Years

Year 1: Initial Setup and Engineering

  • Months 1-6:
    • Team Formation and Resource Allocation: Assemble the project team, allocate resources, and establish laboratory facilities equipped for biofabrication research.
    • Biological System Selection: Finalize the selection of appropriate biological systems (e.g., bacteria, fungi, yeast, plant cells) for engineering conductive and semiconductive materials.
  • Months 7-12:
    • Genetic Engineering: Begin genetic modification of selected biological systems to produce the desired conductive and semiconductive materials.
    • Preliminary Experiments: Conduct initial experiments to test the feasibility of biofabrication techniques and optimize the genetic engineering process.

Year 2: Proof-of-Concept Demonstration

  • Months 13-18:
    • Optimization and Refinement: Refine the genetic modifications based on preliminary results and optimize the growth conditions for the engineered organisms.
    • Framework and Mold Design: Develop and test molds or scaffolds to guide the growth of biofabricated microchip structures.
  • Months 19-24:
    • Prototype Development: Produce initial microchip prototypes using biofabrication techniques.
    • Performance Testing: Evaluate the prototypes for basic performance metrics, including conductivity, resistance, and structural integrity.
  • Mid-Term Evaluation:
    • Objective: Demonstrate the feasibility of biofabrication techniques in creating functional microchip prototypes.
    • Criteria:
      • Engineering success in producing conductive and semiconductive materials.
      • Initial prototypes meeting at least 80% of the Intel 4004 specs and a size of 3 inches by 1 inch or smaller.

Year 3: Scaling and Advanced Testing

  • Months 25-30:
    • Scale-Up Production: Scale up the biofabrication process to produce larger batches of microchip prototypes.
    • Advanced Prototyping: Develop advanced prototypes with improved performance and stability.
  • Months 31-36:
    • Integration Testing: Test the integration of biofabricated microchips into standard electronic devices to ensure compatibility and functionality.
    • Self-Repair Mechanism: Begin experiments to demonstrate the self-repair or regrowth capabilities of the biofabricated microchips.

Year 4: Final Evaluations and Commercialization Preparation

  • Months 37-42:
    • Refinement and Validation: Refine the biofabrication techniques based on integration and self-repair testing results. Conduct extensive validation tests to ensure reliability and performance.
    • Final Prototyping: Produce final versions of the biofabricated microchips, meeting all specified criteria.
  • Months 43-48:
    • Final Technical Demonstration:
      • Objective: Demonstrate the deliverables of biofabrication techniques in creating functional microchip prototypes.
      • Criteria:
        • Achieve performance with at least 100% of the Intel 4004 specs and a size of 3 inches by 1 inch or smaller.
        • Demonstrate self-repair or regrowth capabilities.
    • Functional Integration:
      • Objective: Validate the functionality of the biofabricated microchip by integrating it into a standard electronic or computer device.
      • Criteria:
        • Successful installation and compatibility with current devices.
        • Demonstration of reliable operational performance.

By adhering to this timeline, Project Biofabriko aims to systematically achieve key milestones, ensuring the practical feasibility, functionality, and commercial viability of biofabricated microchips. The project is designed to transition from initial setup and proof-of-concept to final validation and readiness for market adoption within a span of four years.


What are the mid-term and final “exams” to check for success?

Mid-Term Evaluations

  1. Proof-of-Concept Demonstration:
    • Objective: Demonstrate the feasibility of biofabrication techniques in creating functional microchip prototypes.
    • Criteria:
      • Engineering Success: Successful engineering of biological systems (e.g., bacteria, fungi, yeast, or plant cells) to produce conductive and semiconductive materials.
      • Performance Metrics: Initial microchip prototypes meet basic performance metrics for conductivity, resistance, and structural integrity.
      • Specification Compliance: Microchip prototypes achieve performance with at least 80% of the Intel 4004 specs and a size of 3 inches by 1 inch or smaller.

Final Evaluations

  1. Final Technical Demonstration:
    • Objective: Demonstrate the deliverables of biofabrication techniques in creating functional microchip prototypes.
    • Why: The chips meet the minimum technical requirements of the project.
    • Criteria:
      • Specification Compliance: Microchip prototypes achieve performance with at least 100% of the Intel 4004 specs and a size of 3 inches by 1 inch or smaller.
  2. Self-Repair or Regrowth Capability:
    • Objective: Produce a microchip that can self-repair or be remade (regrown) using biofabrication techniques.
    • Why: Advantage of a living system made chip over a silicon-based chip is that self-repair is possible, making repair, recycling, or reuse easier.
    • Criteria (at least one of the following):
      • Self-Repair Mechanism: Demonstration of the chip’s ability to self-repair damage through biological processes.
      • Regrowth Process: Successful regrowth or reproduction of the microchip using the engineered biological systems after the chip was damaged.
  3. Functional Integration:
    • Objective: Validate the functionality of the biofabricated microchip by integrating it into a simple electronic or computer device available off the shelf from an electronic retail store.
    • Why: Demonstrate that the chips produced in this program could be implemented into current electronic devices and supply chains.
    • Criteria:
      • Installation and Compatibility: Successful installation of the biofabricated microchip into a standard electronic or computer device.
      • Operational Performance: Demonstration that the device operates correctly and reliably with the biofabricated microchip installed, meeting essential performance standards.

By meeting these mid-term and final evaluation criteria, Project Biofabriko aims to ensure the practical feasibility, functionality, and commercial viability of biofabricated microchips, paving the way for their adoption in the semiconductor industry.


What are the Ethical, Legal, and Societal Impacts of this project?

Ethical Impacts

  1. Impact on People:
    • Health and Safety: Ensuring the health and safety of individuals involved in the production and use of biofabricated microchips is paramount. This includes rigorous testing and adherence to safety standards to prevent adverse health effects. Public education and transparent communication about the safety of these technologies can help mitigate fears and misconceptions.
    • Biocompatibility: Particularly for medical applications, ensuring that biofabricated microchips do not cause harmful reactions in human bodies is critical. Biocompatibility testing and regulatory compliance will help ensure the safety and acceptance of these products.
  2. Impact on Planet:
    • Environmental Sustainability: Biofabrication techniques aim to reduce the environmental footprint of microchip manufacturing by minimizing the use of rare earth elements and hazardous chemicals. This aligns with broader goals of increasing biodiversity and biomass potential, fostering a more sustainable technological ecosystem.
    • Ecological Balance: The introduction of genetically modified organisms into production processes must be managed to prevent unintended ecological consequences. Measures such as containment strategies and impact assessments will be essential to safeguard natural ecosystems.
  3. Impact on Profit:
    • Economic Value: By addressing critical needs in the semiconductor industry, biofabricated microchips have the potential to create significant economic value. This includes fostering innovation, meeting market demands for sustainable technologies, and enhancing the competitiveness of the U.S. semiconductor industry.
    • Access and Equity: Ensuring that the economic benefits of biofabrication are widely accessible is crucial. Efforts to make these technologies affordable and available to diverse populations can help prevent economic disparities and promote inclusive growth.

Legal Impacts

  1. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Genetic Engineering Regulations: Adherence to domestic and international regulations governing the use of genetically modified organisms is essential. This ensures lawful development, minimizes legal risks, and fosters public trust.
    • Intellectual Property Protection: Protecting the intellectual property associated with biofabrication techniques is vital for encouraging innovation and securing competitive advantages. Clear legal frameworks and agreements will help safeguard these advancements.
  2. Liability and Accountability:
    • Product Liability: Ensuring that biofabricated microchips meet safety and performance standards is crucial to mitigate product liability risks. Robust testing and validation protocols can help prevent legal disputes related to product failures.
    • Environmental Liability: Addressing potential environmental risks associated with the use and disposal of genetically modified organisms is necessary. Legal mechanisms should be in place to hold parties accountable for any ecological damage resulting from the project.

Societal Impacts

  1. Public Perception and Acceptance:
    • Education and Outreach: Engaging with the public through education and outreach efforts is essential for gaining acceptance of biofabrication technologies. Transparent communication about the benefits, risks, and safety measures can build trust and support.
    • Ethical Dialogues: Facilitating ethical dialogues with stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, and the public, ensures that diverse perspectives are considered. This inclusive approach can guide the responsible development and deployment of biofabrication technologies.
  2. Economic and Social Benefits:
    • Job Creation: The development and scaling of biofabrication technologies have the potential to create new job opportunities in biotechnology, manufacturing, and related fields, contributing to economic growth and workforce development.
    • Technological Leadership: By pioneering biofabrication techniques, Project Biofabriko can position the United States as a leader in sustainable semiconductor manufacturing, enhancing national security and technological competitiveness on a global scale.

The ethical, legal, and societal impacts of Project Biofabriko highlight the importance of a responsible and inclusive approach to the development and deployment of biofabrication technologies. Addressing these impacts through comprehensive risk management, regulatory compliance, and public engagement will be essential to ensure the success and acceptance of biofabricated microchips, fostering a sustainable and innovative future for the semiconductor industry.