Output Field | Formula / Source |
Number of Residential Units | [43560 × Lot Size × Impervious Area × (Floors - Commercial Fraction)] ÷ [(Apartment Size × 1.20) + (Parking per Apartment × Parking Area × 1.10)] |
Total Building Area | 43560 × Lot Size × Impervious Area × Floors |
Commercial Area | 43560 × Lot Size × Impervious Area × Commercial Fraction |
Commercial Rent per Year | Commercial Rent per sq ft × Commercial Area |
Commercial Rent per Month | Commercial Rent per Year ÷ 12 |
Project Cost | Total Building Area × Construction Cost per sq ft + Lot Cost |
Residential Rent per Unit per Year | (Project Cost ÷ Project Years) ÷ Number of Units |
Residential Rent per Unit per Month | Residential Rent per Unit per Year ÷ 12 |
Residential Rent per Unit per Month per Bed | Residential Rent per Unit per Month ÷ Number of Beds |
Tax Revenue for Municipality | Earned Income Tax × Average Income × Number of Units × Beds per Apartment |
Lot Size (Acres) | Impervious Fraction | Floors | Commercial Fraction (1st Fl.) | Beds per Apt | Parking Req per Apt | Parking Area per Stall (sq ft) | Apt Size (sq ft) | Const. Cost per sq ft ($) | Project Years | Interest Rate | Comm. Rent per Year per sq ft ($) | Earned Income Tax | Real Estate Tax (mills) | Avg. Income/Year ($) | Lot Cost ($) | # of Residential Units | Total Building Area (sq ft) | Commercial Area (sq ft) | Comm. Rent per Year ($) | Comm. Rent per Month ($) | Project Cost ($) | Res. Rent per Unit per Year ($) | Res. Rent per Unit per Month ($) | Res. Rent per Unit per Month per Bed ($) | Tax Revenue for Municipality ($) |