Mixed Use Project Financial Calculator


Calculation Formulas

Output Field Formula / Source
Number of Residential Units [43560 × Lot Size × Impervious Area × (Floors - Commercial Fraction)] ÷ [(Apartment Size × 1.20) + (Parking per Apartment × Parking Area × 1.10)]
Total Building Area 43560 × Lot Size × Impervious Area × Floors
Commercial Area 43560 × Lot Size × Impervious Area × Commercial Fraction
Commercial Rent per Year Commercial Rent per sq ft × Commercial Area
Commercial Rent per Month Commercial Rent per Year ÷ 12
Project Cost Total Building Area × Construction Cost per sq ft + Lot Cost
Residential Rent per Unit per Year (Project Cost ÷ Project Years) ÷ Number of Units
Residential Rent per Unit per Month Residential Rent per Unit per Year ÷ 12
Residential Rent per Unit per Month per Bed Residential Rent per Unit per Month ÷ Number of Beds
Tax Revenue for Municipality Earned Income Tax × Average Income × Number of Units × Beds per Apartment


Lot Size (Acres) Impervious Fraction Floors Commercial Fraction (1st Fl.) Beds per Apt Parking Req per Apt Parking Area per Stall (sq ft) Apt Size (sq ft) Const. Cost per sq ft ($) Project Years Interest Rate Comm. Rent per Year per sq ft ($) Earned Income Tax Real Estate Tax (mills) Avg. Income/Year ($) Lot Cost ($) # of Residential Units Total Building Area (sq ft) Commercial Area (sq ft) Comm. Rent per Year ($) Comm. Rent per Month ($) Project Cost ($) Res. Rent per Unit per Year ($) Res. Rent per Unit per Month ($) Res. Rent per Unit per Month per Bed ($) Tax Revenue for Municipality ($)