Defining Value: Become a millionaire
It seems now it is common knowledge for people pursuing a life as an entrepreneur that if you want to be rich you have to help others. I have heard it that if you want to be a millionaire you… Continue Reading
It seems now it is common knowledge for people pursuing a life as an entrepreneur that if you want to be rich you have to help others. I have heard it that if you want to be a millionaire you… Continue Reading
Genophage comes from Mass Effect. It’s a sci-fi video game about human and alien cooperation and conflict. One species of alien, krogan (aggressive turtle aliens) are infected with the genophage. A disease that reduces the viability of pregnancies. The disease was created… Continue Reading
Hello! This website is to track what projects I am currently working on. I will also post my different thought on random topics. I hope you find this website useful. Cheers, Elliott State College, Pa 2016